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Easy, Instant, Affordable

United Pet Care is an easy, instant, and affordable pet healthcare plan for top employers around the nation. UPC is not pet insurance which means there are no exclusions due to age, animal type, pre-existing, or breed-specific conditions. This also means that there are no claim forms, denials, waiting periods, or frustrating policy restrictions. Through our growing network of 1,500+ vets, our members instantly save 20-50% on all in-house veterinary services, every time.

Better care + Better coverage = Happy Pets!

Maximum Savings

Pet Owners

You can’t put a price on care for your pet… but we gave it our best shot. Our pet healthcare plans are both affordable and comprehensive.

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Empower your Team

Employers & Brokers

A pet’s well-being is tied to an employee’s well-being. Invest in employee wellness by empowering teams to invest in what matters most with our comprehensive veterinary discount plans.

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Foster Better Care


Veterinarians create lasting change in community health through their care for our beloved fur friends. We provide direct connection between your practice and local patients through our veterinary discount program.

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